The Green Parrot presents a duo exhibition with two Spanish artists that question and expand the notions of sculpture. June Crespo’s work relates two different planes: the imaginary, oneiric and symbolic with the material and sensible. This is possible through the gathering of objects that she compiles such magazine covers and book illustrations that act as substitutes for scenes of dreams. The structural relations of the works, their contrasts and other physical qualities are associated to affects, physical sensations and a way of thinking that does not look to find rational or logical sense. David Bestué is an artist interested conceptually in the language of sculpture, architecture, and engineering. He subtly intervenes public and domestic scenarios, creating situations that question our ways of looking. The photographic series presented at “Art-o-Rama” is made of almost impossible sculptures, objects that don’t last more than a couple of seconds and they can only be documented by an image of the past.
Read more about June Crespo (Pamplona, 1982) on her website.
Read more about David Bestué (Barcelona, 1980) on his website.